Here you will find the program, invited speakers and testimonials of attendees about their experiences in our workshops.
Here you will find the program, invited speakers and testimonials of attendees about their experiences in our workshops.
Past YoMos Workshops
Here you will find an overview over keynote speakers and locations of past workshops.
To get an idea of the general workshop structure, check out this time table from our workshop in 2019.
You can also have a look at our blog.
YoMos Workshop History
Federsee research station
Keynote speakers
Korinna Allhoff (Uni Hohenheim)
​Oskar Hagen (iDiv Halle-Leipzig-Jena)
Christian Werner​ (Planet Labs Germany)
Schloss Hohenroda, Germany
Keynote speakers
Catalina Munteanu (Uni Freiburg / HU Berlin, Germany)
Werner Rammer (TU München, Germany)
Hanna Meyer (WWU Münster, Germany)
Keynote speakers
Loïc Pellissier (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Sonia Kéfi (University of Montpellier, France)
Daniele Silvestro (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
Keynote speakers
Masahiro Ryo (Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany)
Oliver Jakoby (RIFCON)
Meike Wittmann (University of Bielefeld, Germany)
Keynote speakers
Dan Warren (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)
Thomas Hovestad (University of Würzburg, Germany)
Isabelle Gounand (Sorbonne University, France)
Akademie Waldschlösschen, Reinhausen/Göttingen, Germany
Keynote Speakers
Bob O'Hara (NTNU Trondheim, Norway)
Damaris Zurell (HU Berlin, Germany)
Thomas Hickler (Senckenberg BiK-F Frankfurt, Germany)
Falsterbo Kursgård, Höllviken, Sweden
Keynote Speakers
Ben Smith (Lund University, Sweden)
Greta Bocedi (University of Aberdeen, UK)
Gunnar Dressler (Helmholtz UFZ Leipzig, Germany)
Studienhaus Wiesneck, Buchenbach, Germany
Keynote Speakers
Juliano Cabral (University of Würzburg, Germany)
Thorsten Wiegand (Helmholtz UFZ Leipzig, Germany)
Chloe Bracis (Senckenberg BiK-F Frankfurt, Germany)
Viktoriia Radchuk (Leibniz IZW Berlin, Germany)
Ecological Station Neunzehnhain (TU Dresden), Germany
1st Pre-Workshop “Data Visualization in R” (2 days)
Keynote Speakers
Bernd Blasius (University of Oldenburg, Germany)
Uta Berger (TU Dresden, Germany)
Thomas Mueller (Senckenberg BiK-F Frankfurt, Germany)
Justin Calabrese (Smithsonian Institution, United States)
Kerstin Wiegand (University of Göttingen, Germany)
Pfadihuus Lachen close to Zürich, Switzerland
10th Anniversary
Keynote Speakers
Florian Hartig (University of Freiburg, Germany)
Tamara Münkemüller (Laboratoire d’Écologie Alpine, France)
Harald Burgmann (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
Niklaus Zimmermann (WSL Birmensdorf, Switzerland)
Waldpädagogikzentrum Haus Steinberg close to Göttingen, Germany
Keynote Speakers
Franziska Taubert (Helmholtz UFZ Leipzig, Germany)
Thomas Petzoldt (TU Dresden, Germany)
Marleen Cobben (Institute of Ecology in Wageningen, Netherlands)
Oliver Jakoby (WSL Birmensdorf, Switzerland)
Ecological Field Station Gülpe (University of Potsdam), Germany
Keynote Speakers
Volker Grimm (UFZ Leipzig, Germany)
Florian Jeltsch (University of Potsdam, Germany)
Katrin Meyer (University of Göttingen, Germany)
Jarl Giske (University of Bergen, Norway)
Schloss Craheim near Schweinfurt, Germany
1st workshop as “GfÖ Arbeitskreis”
Keynote Speakers
Hans-Joachim Poethke (University of Würzburg, Germany)
Miguel Zavala (Universidad de Alcalá, Spain)
Dries Bonte (Ghent University, Belgium)
Frank M. Hilker (University of Bath, UK)
Mathias Gutmann (KIT Karlsruhe, Germany)